On Saturday, December 23, 2017, Hiroshima University held the Hiroshima University Study Abroad Information Session and PEACE Student Exchange Program Information Session 2017 on the campus of Institute of Technology of Cambodia, with which HU concluded an MOU in November 2017, in Phnom Penh.
The event attracted about 450 interested participants including Cambodian local students in university or high school, faculty members of Cambodian local universities, and staff members of governmental organizations in Cambodia.
The information sessions were held against the background that Hiroshima University newly concluded Agreements on Academic and Educational Exchange with 6 royal universities (of which ITC is one) in November 2017 and were specifically intended as an initial approach to promote the exchange between these universities and Hiroshima University through the newly launched “PEACE” Student Exchange Program, which is a project funded by Japanese government.
The event opened with the keynote speeches by Dr. HUL Seingheng, Director of Research and Innovation Center, Institute of Technology of Cambodia and Dr. Rey Sopheak, Deputy Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport.
They were followed by (i) a brief overview of Hiroshima University and PEACE Student Exchange Program in which four Cambodian PEACE exchange students (Ms. Sim Lida & Mr. Kheang Chheangmay, from Royal University of Phnom Penh; Mr. Poch Rothpiseth & Ms. Tuy Dawin, from University of Health Sciences), who studied at HU in the spring semester 2017, shared their study abroad experiences, (ii) three faculty information sessions (Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Biosphere Science Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, all of which are participating Schools in the PEACE Student Exchange Program) led by our faculty members, and (iii) three scholarship information sessions (JDS scholarship, MEXT scholarship, international student supports offered by HU). As for the scholarship information sessions, we invited Mr. Kao Sovansophal, Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (M.A. from HU in 2013) and Dr. Eam Phyrom, Cambodian Development Resource Institute (Ph.D. from HU in 2017) to share with the participants their study abroad experiences at HU as well as some tips for scholarship applications and interviews.
Although the PEACE Student Exchange Program is, as the name suggests, a student exchange program, we hope for our PEACE exchange students from our partner countries to come back to Hiroshima University, after their study abroad experiences in Hiroshima, for earning their Masters or PhDs. This is exactly why we offered information regarding our Graduate School programs (Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, all of which are participating Schools in the PEACE program) as well as available scholarship programs (such as JASSO scholarship for the PEACE Student Exchange Program or JDS scholarship and MEXT scholarship for degree-earning programs).
The below are the presentation slides for the information sessions (some of them will be later uploaded):
- Introduction of Hiroshima University and PEACE Student Exchange Program
- Study Abroad Experiences in Hiroshima and at Hiroshima U
Ms. Sim Lida (Royal University of Phnom Penh)
Mr. Kheang Chheangmay (Royal University of Phnom Penh)
Mr. Poch Rothpiseth (University of Health Sciences)
Ms. Tuy Dawin (University of Health Sciences)
- List of Promotion Videos
Department of Integrated Global Studies (IGS)
Video Message from Cambodian HU Alumni (Dr. Nith Bunlay, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport)
- raduate School Information Sessions
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of Biosphere Science
Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
- Scholarship Information Sessions
International Student Supports by HU
- Related Links
Hiroshima University Website (English)
Admission Information for International Students
There were also individual faculty booths that can provide the interested participants with more detailed information about the education programs as well as application procedures for our Graduate Schools.
HU has been playing a leading role in promoting student mobility especially among CLMV countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Thailand) since the project proposal of Hiroshima University for the FY 2016 “Inter-University Exchange Project” (Re-Inventing Japan Project-Type B: Promoting exchanges with ASEAN universities) was adopted by the Japanese government in 2016.
HU is willing to promote collaboration (academic or educational) with our overseas partner universities under or beyond the framework of “PEACE” Student Exchange Program, which we hope would result in attracting more and more talented international students from the CLMV countries.
- Dr. HUL Seingheng, Director of Research and Innovation Center, Institute of Technology of Cambodia
- Dr. Rey Sopheak, Deputy Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport
- Full of Participants
- Ms. Sim Lida, PEACE student, Royal University of Phnom Penh
- Mr. Poch Rothpiseth, PEACE student, University of Health Sciences
- Mr. Kheang Chheangmay, PEACE student, Royal University of Phnom Penh
- Tuy Dawin, PEACE student, University of Health Sciences
- Dr. Toru Takashina, Professor, Graduate School of Engineering
- Dr. Kazuhiko Koike, Professor, Graduate School of Biosphere Science
- Dr. Kinya Shimizu, Professor, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation
- Mr. Kao Sovansophal, Vice Chief of Admission Office, Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (M.A. from HU in 2013)
- Dr. Eam Phyrom, Research Associate,Cambodian Development Resource Institute (Ph.D. from HU in 2017)
- Faculty Booth (Engineering)
- Faculty Booth (Biosphere Science)
- Faculty Booth (International Development and Cooperation)